2009 AQHA/FQHR Black Rabicano Stallion
2025 Stud Fee $900
plus Chute/Ship
If you would like a printable contract mailed or emailed please call or email C.J. 970-481-5742 or
If you take the time to read the Dec 2022 Western Horseman feature in the photos below, it will give you a good understanding of what “McStud” means to us, both personally and to our 40-year breeding program.
His exceptional personality, high level talent, & athleticism allowed Jason to learn to train, show, and win in multiple events and evolve into the trainer he is today. His patience & kindness allowed C.J. to grow in her horsemanship & learn to show Reined Cow Horse & Ranch Horse Versatility with success. His heart and cow sense makes him the best horse ranch horse around. His lifelong soundness gave him a show career in many events until he was 14 - and he could have gone on for many more years, but we felt retiring him sound and happy was the right thing to do.
The best thing about Cats Royal Boon - He has passed all of this on to his over 30 foals since 2015.
Purchased by Jason as a weanling, Cats Royal Boon has been a big presence in our lives for a long time and it thrills us to finally share him with you.
We hope you will look beyond just his showpen success and truly see what this special stallion has to offer your next partner.
His first foal crop was born in 2015, and his progeny are successfully showing in NRCHA, AQHA, AQHA VRH, AQHA RHB, SHOT, NRVHA, ARHA, RHAA, Team Roping, Tie-Down Roping, Extreme Cowboy Races, Barrels, and Sorting/Penning. The foals are built right, talented, cowy, extremely smart, and trainable. They all have such good minds that we had to come up with a name for them. Hence, the "McStud Mind" term and hashtag you see used in our social media posts.
He may only stand at 14h, but you don’t feel it sitting on him because he is thick and strong. He should have been much taller as both his parents were 14.3+, but he had pneumonia off and on during his weanling and yearling years. He sires MUCH larger than himself. We have raised many of his progeny that are 14.3-15.3h out of mares that are 14.2h or less. More info on genetics vs. nutrition and its influence on height.
Foals are eligible for:
NRCHA COW HORSE INCENTIVE (2020-2026 foal crops)
LEGENDARY STAKES (all foal crops) - Reined Cow Horse, Ranch Horse, Heeling
Go For The Gold Futurity - 3-year-olds from 2025-2028 are eligible.
Events & Earnings:
LTE: $50,000
Reined Cow Horse - NRCHA $864.60
AQHA Versatility Ranch Horse - 119.5 AQHA Points, Performance Register of Merit, VRH World Show Earnings, & 16 VRH class and All-Around wins.
6th Place: Year End Limited Amateur Top Ten Ranch Horse (2018).
7th Place: Year End High Point - AQHA Amateur VRH Limited All-Around (2019).
2023 Extreme Cowgirl Challenge Champion Team
He also has thousands in earnings from VRH jackpots, Working Ranch Horse, Heeling, Sorting, Penning, & Ranch Rodeos, winning several championship saddles and countless buckles.
Progeny earnings as of September 2024: 14 out of 34 registered foals are earners (41%) of $45,202.29, 103 AQHA points (Open, Am, & Youth), 2 Youth World Championships. This is just what has been reported to Q-data or AQHA - However, all known progeny earnings in all events is currently over $80,000.
Click each page to enlarge.
Feature in WESTERN HORSEMAN Magazine - Click each page to enlarge.
Slide show of his performance, ranch, and modeling gig photos.

A few of his performance age progeny we own, show, use on the ranch - ages 3+